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Gandhi Peace Prize 2002.
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan was founded with
the blessings of
Mahatma Gandhi
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan was founded
in 1938 by
Kulapati K.M. Munshi
Latest Highlights from Our School
Partnership with IIT Madras BS Degree programOur School is now a partner of IIT Madras through School Connect program. Students of XI and XII can participate in various activities and will receive the certificates offered by IIT Madras.
PRE KG & LKG Admission 2025-2026 openPRE KG & LKG Admission open for the academic year 2025-2026.Admission forms are available at Bhavan's office Wadakkanchery and school office,Akamala.
Bhavan’s Faith
Let me once more set forth the Bhavan’s faith for the benefit of new students and members, for it is necessary that they should understand it clearly and imbibe its spirit. The Bhavan stands for the reintegration of Indian Culture. In a world falling to pieces under the impact of an amoral technological avalanche.
It tries to hold fast to the fundamental values for which our culture stands-
(Spiritual Discipline)
FAITH in god who in-forms the cosmic order,
TRUTH which is accord between mind, word and deed,
DEDICATION which offers all movements of life as an offering to god
SUBLIMATION which purifies the body and mind and transmutes instincts,
Bhavan’s Convention
The Objectives for the which the Bhavan stands for are:
The reintegration of Indian culture in the light of modern knowledge to suit our present day needs and the resuscitation of its fundamental values in their pristine vigor.
The Goal of the Bhavan is:
To seek the dignity of man, which necessarily implies the creation of social conditions, that allow him freedom to evolve along the linesof his own temperament and capacities;
To seek harmony of individual efforts and social relations within the framework of the moral order,
To seek the creative art of life by the alchemy of which human limitations can be progressively transmuted, so that man may become the instrument of God and be able to see Him in all and all in Him.
The Call
This Convention believes that this Goal can be achieved only by a self educative movement which develops a spirit of dedication to higher purpose in life. This Convention, therefore, calls upon those williing to participate in the movement.